Sunday, January 13, 2008

4.3 OS News

Still wondering when the new 4.3 os will be released for your phone? So are we, along with the rest of the world. Many claimed early December others said early January but as of now (mid January) it looks like everyone was wrong. Hopefully us Crackberry addicts won't have to wait much longer. Maybe with the new release it will be a world free of glitches. (Ha)

If your interested in reading about the features available in the new 4.3 Blackberry OS go to the link below.

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E-office Beta


I'm currently testing the eOffice Beta for Dynoplex. So far it looks promising even in the beta stages. Even as I type its giving me real time information about my spelling. After some fixes are made to the beta (hopefully soon) probably in the next month I will be writing a full review about the beta version, after some extensive testing of course. So keep an eye out for the review on the home page of in the upcoming month.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device