Saturday, January 5, 2008

BB 9000 or Hoax?

About a week ago a auction showed up on ebay claiming that they had a non working Blackberry but didn't know which version it was. The internet went crazy and most websites used the pictures from the bid claiming that they had the inside scoop on the new 9000 series Blackberry. I guess sites will do anything to get some traffic. Boy Genius was one of the websites that did this. Obviously nobody knew if it was the new 9000 series or not so it was mostly a load of bull on there part. The bid started at one cent and ended up around 425 USD before it was pulled from ebay. Was it a photoshop hoax? A fake model or stolen prototype? No one is sure as of now but its going to be interesting to see what happens with this so called fakeberry. Or is it?
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device